Aha of today

Aha of today

#ahaoftoday Measure the gain, not the gap. In other words, focus on how much progress you’ve made, instead of how far you are from your goal. It might make your days happier 😉

Aha of today

#ahaoftoday “You tend to form a global impression unless you make a special effort not to form a global impression” – Daniel Kahneman

Aha of today

#ahaoftoday Occasionally, people may behave in a genuinely negative manner, but the meaning we attach to the situation exponentially increases our pain and suffering.

Aha of today

#ahaoftoday “Innovation is almost always a collaborative process[…], it requires high intellectual friction and low social friction” – T. Clark

Aha of today

#ahaoftoday The reason why I get triggered is because I think (even just a bit) that their judgment/evaluation of me is true.

Aha of today

#ahaoftoday “The near enemy of connection is control” – Brene Brown

Aha of today

#ahaoftoday 2 types of empathy: Affective(sensations and feelings we get in response to others’ emotions, e.g. mirroring another’s feelings, or feeling stressed at another’s fear or anxiety) and Cognitive (identifying and understanding other’s emotions).

Aha of today

#ahaoftoday “Irony/sarcasm = form of communication in which the literal meaning of the word is different from the intended message” – Brene Brown. So, in less rich communication channels (e.g. writing), the chance of misinterpreting irony increases.

Aha of today

#ahaoftoday I over-rely on workplace role-based heuristics (e.g., assuming someone’s skills their role implies). When reality differs, I feel surprise or frustration. That’s okay. Progress happens by working with reality. What heuristics are you overly reliant on?

Aha of today

#ahaoftoday A difficult person is someone who presents issues or acts in ways that are beyond our current skill level to meet openheartedly. – Inbal Kashtan