Aha of today

Today’s aha

Today’s aha: If I’m too tired or feeling really off, I can cancel that meeting. #lifehacks

Aha of today

Aha of today: The moment when I lead a group and one person has a visible aha moment. It pays off for all the nervousness and insecurity that sometimes come up when preparing and running the session. #agileconversations

Aha of today

Aha of today: It’s important to move my body during the day to keep the “happy chemicals” flowing. This has a net positive effect on my creativity, ability to focus, and attention span. #lifehack

Aha of today

Today’s aha: Over-engineered code reminds me of the YAGNI principle (You Aren’t Gonna Need It). Martin Fowler has a great post describing four kinds of costs that we might pay for such code https://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/Yagni.html

Aha of today

Aha of today: before schedule a whole-team meeting, do the legwork/preparation of figuring out what the individual need and want. Only after I have clarity on this, I can draft a proposal and schedule the meeting. #better-meetings

Aha of today

Aha of today: When I notice that my feelings/needs/intentions are not getting across, I can pause the interaction and say address it. Instead of watching paralyzed how the interaction is slowly crashing and burning.

Aha of today

Aha of today: When introducing a desired behavior to a team, the strategy of “teaching about the behavior” is less effective than what I usually hope. A better strategy seems to be “to walk my talk” (model the desired behavior). #leadership

Aha of today

Aha of today: Being honestly sorry and saying it to the other is fundamental in relationship building.

Aha of today

Aha of today: I (re)found the source of the 2-column-case-study that we practice in the London Organizational Learning Meetup: https://hbr.org/1986/09/skilled-incompetence #agileconversations

Today’s aha

Aha of today: a nap of 20 minutes works better for my focus and motivation than any coffee. #selfcare