Today’s aha
Today’s aha: I want to learn to say NO more so that I can feel less stress. First try: timeboxing all my activities into hours/week. It will allow me so notice when I need to say no. #fomo #self-management
Today’s aha: I want to learn to say NO more so that I can feel less stress. First try: timeboxing all my activities into hours/week. It will allow me so notice when I need to say no. #fomo #self-management
Today’s aha: when proposing something to a group, word it in such a way that the proposal will go forward if people don’t have any objections. In contrast with asking for input or comments on the proposal. #justdoit
Aha of today: some consultants and trainers (that inspire me) have regular office hours or facilitate meetings on It’s such a joy for me to chat and practice with them directly and informally.
Today’s aha: Despite my deep belief that curiosity is crucial in conversations, I still catch myself not asking enough questions in dialogues that I have. #agileconversations #TheDEVOPSConference
Aha of today: I quote which inspired me on my run: “Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You can not withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm.’”
Aha of today: “Legacy code is valuable code that we’re afraid to change. Legacy is not a characteristic of code, but of our relationship with the code.” – Amitai Schleier
Today’s aha: Is it just me, or “not invented here syndrome” is an agile antipattern?
Today’s aha: we don’t have to be afraid of real tigers anymore, but virtual tigers are all over the place. Check before my interactions if I’m the virtual tiger (e.g. am I coming from a position of power, am I bringing a dominant attitude).
Aha of the day: mindmapping works very well when I need to get up to speed with a new system/project. Mindmup seems good enough for my digital use. #mindmapping
Today’s aha: when I feel overwhelmed and confused I become irritable