Aha of today: Doing the normalization of deviance exercise from chapter 4 of “Agile Conversations” was fun and surfaced some non-obvious fears. #agileconversations
Aha of today: Doing the normalization of deviance exercise from chapter 4 of “Agile Conversations” was fun and surfaced some non-obvious fears. #agileconversations
Aha of the day: I thought that my goals were to challenge and contribute to his growth. But I reflected more and I discovered that what I really wanted was to support him in any way HE needed.
Today’s aha: back to back meetings feel horrible. I need closure in order to move on…
Today’s aha is from Born to run: “if it feels like work, you’re working too hard”. Can you see it applying outside running also?
Aha moment of today: It took me about two hours to set myself free from LinkedIn. Bye, bye distracting LinkedIn!
Aha of the day: it’s the second time that I catch myself opening LinkedIn with a clearly defined purpose, scrolling through notifications and “newsfeed”, closing LinkedIn, and getting back to my task realizing that I didn’t do the LinkedIn task that I wanted to do. I’m considering options of getting rid of LinkedIn. If you […]